Don't Stop Hydrating Just Because It's Winter

Lately you’ve been listless and lacking your usual energy. Your workouts have been off, your endurance is flagging, and your muscles are sapped the next day. You may chalk it up to the cold weather, but temperature might not be the true culprit. It could be dehydration. What?? It’s ten degrees outside and it’s all you can do to keep warm! But the evidence is there: the cracked lips and dry sinuses, the chapped skin and brittle hair.
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Lately you’ve been listless and lacking your usual energy. Your workouts have been off, your endurance is flagging, and your muscles are sapped the next day. You may chalk it up to the cold weather, but temperature might not be the true culprit. It could be dehydration. What?? It’s ten degrees outside and it’s all you can do to keep warm! But the evidence is there: the cracked lips and dry sinuses, the chapped skin and brittle hair.


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