
Sick And Tired? Here's What To Do About Training.

As athletes our approach to training can be detrimental to outcomes. We start a season with a goal, a training plan, and a drive to get’r done at all costs. We have set up a training season, with a goal time, and goal placement in mind. Our wiring at an early age is to ignore signals from the body and be tough in our athletic pursuits. You have workouts on the schedule, and need to check off those boxes. You need to show commitment at all costs to the “plan”. This mentality of checking off the boxes, ultimately leads to sub optimal performance on race day. Then the head scratching starts. Illness is an experience we all have in a season. How you deal with illness during training can be a variable that can make or break your race day performance.
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Archive for 20 December, 2017
As athletes our approach to training can be detrimental to outcomes. We start a season with a goal, a training plan, and a drive to get’r done at all costs. We have set up a training season, with a goal time, and goal placement in mind. Our wiring at an early age is to ignore signals from the body and be tough in our athletic pursuits. You have workouts on the schedule, and need to check off those boxes. You need to show commitment at all costs to the “plan”. This mentality of checking off the boxes, ultimately leads to sub optimal performance on race day. Then the head scratching starts. Illness is an experience we all have in a season. How you deal with illness during training can be a variable that can make or break your race day performance.


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